We took a really long time just to get ready and we only left the house at 12 midnight. Yes, we were absolutely late! By the time we reached there, the queue was insanely long. Not only that, the queue was hardly even moving! My friends that reached about 11ish only managed to get in after queueing for 1 and a half hours.
So, you can imagine, we were far worse. A lot of people left the queue and switched to other clubs when they noticed the line wasn't moving. The club was too packed that they could only let people enter when there are people coming out.
We waited in the cold until 1.30a.m. and decided we should just go home. Yes, we REALLY went home. A disappointing night. We were all dressed up and waiting in the cold for a long time but couldn't get in. First time going to club but actually not getting in because it was too packed. Sighs.
Instead, we had our own pyjama party! It's definitely a waste not to camwhore since we are already all dressed up! :D Get ready to be bombed with my photos!
Then, it was time to say goodnight with Hachiko :)
Yours truly,
Mabs Chan
At least you didn't have to change into PJs when you got home!
ReplyDeleteYup! Exactly the fun part about it! :)